Urban Design Lab. Magazine Vol.272 "The Meaning of "Ideal" in Planning"

We issued Urban Design Lab. Magazine Vol.272 "The Meaning of "Ideal" in Planning".

Report about the Lab Trip in Manchuria (Changchun, Shenyang and Dalian in the north-east part of China).

Please have a look.



Main article headline

  ●Overview of Labolatory Trip 2018 in Changchun.

  ●The streets in Changchun (Hsinking). - Planned City and Realized City

  ●Pursue the Lingering Scent.

  ●A Grumet Travel Journal, Pieces of the Trip.

  ●Open Discussions about "Manchukuo" for the Lab Trip.

Urban Design Lab. Magazine Vol.266 Special Edition "Launch of Urban Design Center Sakai "


1. UDCSってなに?

2. インタビュー UDCSを支えるスタッフたち

3. 三国と東京大学都市デザイン研究室