The Last Lecture by Prof. Yukio NISHIMURA


The Last Lecture by Prof. Yukio Nishimura

DATE : 16:00-18:00 16th March, 2018

PLACE : Ito International Research Center in Hongo Campus, The University of Tokyo


(Related Events)

Symposium 1  "Urban design for Identity - the Research and the Practice"


DATE : 15:30-18:30, 21st December, 2017

PLACE : Room 221, Engineering Building No.2, Hongo Campus of the University of Tokyo

Symposium 2  "The Evolution of Urban Conservation in Asia"

 <Language = English>

DATE : 9:30-11:30, 16th March, 2018

PLACE : Room 141, Engineering Building No.14, Hongo Campus, The University of Tokyo


Symposium 3  "Urban Design with the Historical Resources" 

<Language = Japanese>

DATE : 13:00-15:30, 16th March, 2018

PLACE : Ito International Research Center in Hongo Campus, The University of Tokyo

